Finally testing the Ferrania Orto 50

You may have read already that I bought some rolls of Ferrania film when travelling to Torino last year. I was showing in that past post the result of my first roll of P30, this is now time to share some shots of my first roll of Orto 50.

The M6 just being unloaded

So the P30 is a Panchromatic film where the Orto 50 is an Orthochromatic film ; where the first one aims to render all colours ( wavelength) equally, the second has a preference for green-blue lights. As a result everything in this area gets brighter, everything on the other side of the spectrum, the pinks and reds, is darker.

Phone home…

I did not try to prove the nature of the film. I just loaded and walked around causally to see what I can get. So as hinted above I loaded the roll in the M6, but unlike shown in the picture I attached the 50mm Summilux v2 to the camera. I am not sure it would really make a difference, but I wanted to be safe and have a bit of latitude on the wide open side.

Primrose hill

I set the ISO dial of the M6 to 50; I know 50ISO is not much in term of speed, but I came to shoot quite a few 50 ISO films and if the day is bright that is not too much of a problem.

New Musical Express official Beetle

How do I like the results? I am more pleased generally than with the P30 : if looks the grain is very fine and I like the quality of the blacks. The shots are quite a high contrast but not to a point where it is a problem.

Probably the biggest problem is that the Summilux is slightly back focusing, but after so many years I find this manageable.

I wanna be your dog

The collar in the tree was hot wide open, nice bokeh and pretty sharp.

The above street sign gives the opportunity to visualize various shades of grey; highlighting the film is able to show some subtlety.

Ruby Ye

My good old photo lab in Singapore : Ruby Photo. Shot handheld, probably 1/15s wide open ( By that time I changed for the Summicron 35). Skins are turning dark very easily.

When forms comes alive exhibition in Hayward Gallery.

Outside Hayward Gallery

On the down side, the high contrast scene below, at Chelsea Physics Garden is hard to render. The dark is very very dark and the flower is burnt ( and I dialled down the exposure when shooting).

Chelsea Physics Garden vintage green houses

I add a few more pictures just for fun

Unc’ Donald

I hope you enjoyed the reading. You can nowadays order Ferrania film easily, even find them in the Photographer’s Gallery shop in SOHO.

Finally testing the Ferrania Orto 50