Concerts : Ash Code ( IT) – March 2024

Ash Code is a Dark Wave band from Italy, actually form Napoli. They were playing here in March, opening for French band Corpus Delicti. I could not resit to go back to concert shooting after a very long hiatus.

I wasn’t sure how much gear the venue would allow me to bring in, so I settled for one lens one body set. Namely the LeicaM6 classic and the summicron 50mm v5. My favourite provider had no more Kodak TMZ 3200 so I bought two rolls of Ilford 3200 for the whole show.

The venue is  229 at 229 Great Portland and the evening organized by Reptile. I had no problem checking the camera in. I had set the body to 6400 ISO, but I will come back to this later.

The concert was great. Ash Code, produces some dancy tunes, not very remote to what Sisters of Mercy would have done, with a bit more synthwave side. Maybe a better comparison could be found in the direction off some 80’s belgian bands , remote cousins of Neon Judgement or Parade Ground.

They deliver a pretty good show, Alessandro and Claudia taking turns to the mic. Although I am pretty new to their music, that was a very enjoyable.

The scene was quite dark with a lot of back light, so not super ideal, but access to the front of the stage was super easy. I shot a concert of a friends band with the same set-up a few years back and I realised that the only good shots are those where there are both dark areas and highlighted ones, there is not point shooting a scene without contrast, whatever the ISO.

I also had a discussion with a pro about the value of metering : because most of the scene is in the dark, your meter will be fooled and try to over expose. So having shot the rolls at 6400 ISO I had them processed at box speed, actually pulling the film or compensating by -1 stop ( there is no compensation setting on the M6 ). I think that was a wise choice. Because most of the shots were taken at 1/125 f.2 or f2.8, I have a fantasy of setting the speed and aperture once for all and not to bother, but I was told otherwise.

More on on Ash Code:

Discogs :

Bandcamp :

Oh great party afterwards by the Reptile team, but it takes too long to recover past a certain age.

Concerts : Ash Code ( IT) – March 2024

Notting Hill Carnival 2023

Last week end was Notting Hill Carnival in … Notting Hill area in London. The party last 3 days with the Monday, that falls on a public holiday being the “adult” carnival.

About two millions of people, converge to the area for a Caribbean, African, South American party.

It was my first time and as much as I like a street party this is a bit borderline. It was already very difficult to move where reaching Notting Hill gate, I was not sure it was such a good idea.

Very light closing, lot of booze, that shouted for a cocktail for a not so family friendly afternoon.

But then you go by the back streets ( because the wife said so ) and you get close to the action, people are cool and happy campers, music is loud and enticing.

So well you grab your Leica and lets the fun begin.

I carried the M262 and 35mm Summicron Asph v2 as usual ( I am boring ) and no change of lens. I also put in my bag a M4 with Summicron 50, but that will be for another time.

Once again the 35 is a great lens for such event where you can stand in the crowd. Compared with London Pride where you had to stay outside of the action, this is an opportunity for close encounters.

Moving location we found a nice spot where in between sound systems I met a group of film shooters.

The arrival of a Brazilian batucada was a welcome change in between blasting sound systems.

… temperature was rising

Photographer trying to convince a dancer to pose. This guys was doing some off camera flash shots and was pretty good at directing “models”.

Everybody was pretty happy to pose.

Above is a group of French speaking participants, the carnival is a real babel.

You already know I am not a mass shooter so all in all I shot below 200 frames in 2 hours, and maybe 3/4 of a fil roll, that is not very professional I know. But I am just a hobbyist. I will off course put 2024 Carnival in my agenda. Advise to self ( and others if they are interested ) : travel light, just bring the M262 and 35 and maybe the M6 and 50, avoid bringing a bag its hard to move with one in the crowd. Also pay more attention to the shutter speed, maybe it is time to play with the auto ISO.

Notting Hill Carnival 2023

Drum & Bass On The Bike

So 4th of June 23 was a beautiful Sunday, where I forgot receiving an invite to join “Drum & Bass On The Bike” at 2pm at Wellington arch. But anyway as fate has it, by 5h30 I passed by the said arch and noticed there was quite a crowd.

DJ Dom Whiting the man himself

Bodies were shaking to to Drum and Bass sound of DomWhiting and frieds.

Good vide and music. Dancing in the street ? Anytime!

Selfie opportunity

Find out more at

All shots Leica M262 and Summaron 35mm F3.5 LTM

Drum & Bass On The Bike

Hare Krishna Celebration in Trafalgar Square

A strange sadhu

Here are a few shots of a Hare Krishna celebration in October in Trafalgar square in London. Is stumbled over the party by complete chance.

Hare Hare its all in the flare

I was armed for the occasion ( well not for the occasion then as it was by chance) with the Leica M6 classic and the Summicron 50mmV5.

Hare Hare its all in the flare

For once I had a Kodak TMAX 100ISO film loaded, not the usual Ilford HP5 coming from my endless bulk roll.

Cling cling
And the band kept on playing

Very friendly atmosphere, an opportunity to remember and share our love of India and its culture.

Some may still be lost…

Hare Krishna Celebration in Trafalgar Square